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Addressing ethical duties in a digital age

One legal education provider is helping practitioners protect their businesses in an increasingly digital age.

user iconLawyers Weekly 14 December 2022 SME Law
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LawCPD has unveiled a new on-demand course, “Lawyers’ Ethical Duties in the Digital Age”, which it said will combine thought-leaders’ insights with interactive learning.

“Modern legal practice is becoming increasingly digital, and recent high-profile cases have shown how technological incompetence can lead to significant reputational damage or even disciplinary consequences,” the provider said in a statement.


“However, despite the heightened awareness of potential ethical risks associated with technology — lawyers need more guidance to recognise and mitigate digital ethical challenges to protect themselves better.”

Cathryn Urquhart, a legal training facilitator, explores this topic for LawCPD in the brand-new online CPD format, combining interactive learning and in-depth interviews with renowned experts and thought leaders.

Such leaders include Mitch Kowalski, a globally recognised thought leader in legal services innovation; Natasha Blycha, managing director of digital law firm Stirling & Rose; and Zahn Nel, chief information officer at FilePro legal practice management software.

LawCPD co-founder Sarah Mateljan noted: “There is a growing number of lawyers looking for answers on how to successfully uphold their ethical duties in a time of rapid technological change.

“I’m delighted that LawCPD produced such an important course. It offers a unique and holistic approach to the ethical challenges of modern legal practice.”

LawCPD’s latest online and on-demand course, “Lawyers’ Ethical Duties in the Digital Age, offers a deep dive into how technology impacts your professional obligations and teaches strategies to help practitioners — and their firms — navigate these ethical challenges.