Latest career pathways

Big Law 15 November 2023 ByLauren CroftHow much progress have we made in promoting female leadership in law?

As the legal landscape evolves, diverse leadership has a critical role in driving innovation and fostering diversity and...

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Big Law 25 October 2023 ByLaila SayedHow a legal background equips you for success in any industry

Being a lawyer comes with various transferable skills that can set you up for success in any industry, writes Laila...

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Corporate Counsel 16 October 2023 ByLauren Croft‘If you don’t fail, you’re not going to be able to grow’

Young lawyers should be expanding their horizons as much as they can – whether that’s through mentors outside of the...

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Big Law 07 August 2023 ByLauren CroftA new legal careers program is set to increase the number of skilled...

A new legal careers program is set to increase the number of skilled and credentialled Aboriginal workforce in the legal...

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Careers 21 November 2022 ByLauren CroftFinding your way in law: Career options for new grads

A law degree can open doors into many other career options aside from private practice, writes Jason Rickersey.

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