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Big Law 16 May 2024 ByGrace RobbieHow relationships are the foundation for law firm growth

Here, award-winning lawyer Sven Burchartz underscores the nature of forging client relationships to ensure the success...

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Big Law 16 August 2023 ByRedViewHow Client Portals drive the success of dynamic, modern legal firms

For legal firms with an eye to the future, client portals are the ‘must have solution’ for interacting with their...

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Big Law 04 July 2023 ByNaomi Neilson‘Sorry business’: Former client of EY Law receives settlement

A former client of Ernst & Young has received a settlement following a decade-long dispute with the firm.

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Big Law 20 June 2023 ByNaomi NeilsonVictorian lawyer jailed for ‘abhorrent’ $420k theft from clients

A former named principal of a Victorian law firm has been imprisoned for stealing $400,000 from the estates of two...

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Big Law 20 June 2023 ByNaomi NeilsonSydney firm owed $35k for former client’s ‘abuse of process’

A Sydney law firm challenged a former client and a Local Court judge’s orders to recover more than $35,000 in legal...

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Big Law 14 June 2023 ByNaomi NeilsonClient loses million-dollar claim against deceased solicitor

A man has dragged the NSW Law Society into yet another legal fight over allegations he made about his deceased...

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Big Law 05 June 2023 ByNaomi NeilsonNSW solicitor cannot shake caution for fiery emails with client

An NSW solicitor who exchanged heated emails and texts with a client failed to have a caution about his conduct stripped...

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Big Law 01 January 1980 ByNaomi NeilsonVictorian lawyer sunk client’s money into ‘bizarre’ scam

A former Victorian principal lawyer has faced criminal charges for stealing $420,000 from two clients’ estates and...

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Big Law 11 May 2023 ByNaomi NeilsonMelbourne firm hands over refund after client’s bill shock

A Melbourne law firm has had to reimburse a client who received an invoice that was more than double the amount he was...

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SME Law 04 May 2023 ByLauren Croft‘Lawyers need to improve on’ client experience

For this principal and former proptech founder, understanding tech challenges and keeping up with emerging news in the...

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