Latest coercive control

Politics 10 January 2023 ByLauren CroftDomestic and family violence reforms showing progress, new report says

The first progress report on domestic and family violence reforms in Queensland has been released and reveals the...

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Big Law 21 November 2022 ByJess FeyderNSW coercive control bill should extend to dowry abuse, says principal

Whilst a positive step towards eradicating domestic and family violence and abuse (DFVA), the bill should also cover...

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The Bar 17 October 2022 ByKeonia SwiftQld introduces coercive control legislation

The first set of legislative amendments aimed at strengthening Queensland’s ability to resist coercive control has...

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Politics 12 October 2022 ByKeonia SwiftNSW A-G to introduce bill outlawing coercive control

The Attorney-General of NSW Mark Speakman is set to bring a bill before the State Parliament this week to criminalise...

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Big Law 27 September 2022 ByLauren CroftCoercive control is a ‘whole system of abuse’

Walkley award-winning investigative journalist, Jess Hill, spoke about coercive control at Coleman Greig’s Women in...

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Big Law 24 August 2022 ByLauren Croft‘Legislation is coming’ for coercive control

A recent panel discussion has urged lawyers working in the criminal law and family law space to come forward with their...

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Big Law 11 May 2022 ByJerome DoraisamyQld to criminalise coercive control

The Palaszczuk government has unveiled a “historic overhaul of laws and practices” to better protect Queensland...

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Coercive control to be criminalised in NSW
Politics 02 July 2021 ByLauren CroftCoercive control to be criminalised in NSW

An inquiry committee has unanimously agreed to criminalise coercive control in NSW, in a massive step for victims of...

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Laura Donnelly
SME Law 20 May 2021 ByLauren CroftNational push to criminalise coercive control gives victims strength

Domestic abuse may start featuring more heavily in separation proceedings as more victims of coercive control come...

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