Latest employer

Big Law 27 July 2023 ByNaomi NeilsonVan Onselen foots former employer’s legal bills

Former Ten political correspondent Peter van Onselen was ordered to foot the media company’s legal bills following a...

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Politics 23 May 2023 ByJerome DoraisamyExercise caution in going against your employer’s Voice position

Corporate Australia is increasingly taking positions on social issues, particularly given the growing prominence of ESG....

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Podcast 19 May 2023 ByRobyn TongolImplications arising from employers’ Voice positions

Across Australia, corporate entities have taken a stance on the proposed Indigenous Voice to Parliament. But what...

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Careers 20 March 2023 ByLawyers WeeklyWhat’s keeping lawyers at their current firms?

New findings detail the derived importance of workplace attributes that keep legal professionals satisfied, or...

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Careers 20 March 2023 ByJerome DoraisamyWhy age dictates lawyers’ firms of choice

As recently detailed by Lawyers Weekly, the firms of choice for lawyers varies depending on how old one is. So, how does...

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