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Corporate Counsel 17 April 2024 ByJerome DoraisamyTech’s rise shows need for lawyers, says ASIC chair

In remarks delivered overnight, the chair of the corporate watchdog said the judgement of legal professionals is more...

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Corporate Counsel 16 April 2024 ByJerome DoraisamyUnpacking the notable and irreversible alterations to law departments

In just the last year or so, substantial changes have occurred within corporate legal teams, with new research detailing...

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Corporate Counsel 16 April 2024 ByJerome DoraisamyIn-house lawyers ‘more open’ to AI adoption, research finds

New research shows the volume of legal practitioners who are receptive to using generative AI, with corporate counsel...

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Big Law 15 April 2024 ByKace O'NeillBeing AI-proficient can improve your salary

New research shows that having AI skills in your professional repertoire could amount to potential salary increases.

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Big Law 26 March 2024 ByKace O'NeillSlow and steady doesn’t win the race when it comes to advancing...

Too many organisations are acting as the tortoise and not the hare when it comes to keeping up with advancing technology...

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Big Law 19 February 2024 ByJerome DoraisamyLawyers have ‘not been maximising the potential of technology to...

In an era in which sectors across the board are rapidly embracing emerging technologies, the legal profession does not...

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Big Law 16 February 2024 ByGrace RobbieIs AI ready to write laws?

A legal academic recently undertook research to answer the all-important question of whether artificial intelligence is...

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Big Law 12 February 2024 ByLawyers WeeklyLexis+ AI launches with intent to ‘transform’ legal work

Last week, LexisNexis Legal & Professional unveiled Lexis+ AI™, which the provider says can help save Australian...

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SME Law 31 January 2024 ByJerome DoraisamyAddressing the ‘new frontier’ of AI to be central for NSW...

The Law Society of NSW is set to launch an AI taskforce to assist the state’s legal professionals with the challenges...

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Corporate Counsel 30 January 2024 ByEmma MusgraveHow tech is shaking up how private practice and corporate counsel work...

The continued evolution of technology, including and especially generative artificial intelligence, is having a profound...

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