Maddocks hires from Allens and DLA Piper
Maddocks has hired from Allens Arthur Robinson and DLA Piper as it boosted its financial services team.
Special counsel Mick Garner joins from Allens and consultant Keith Nathan joins from DLA Piper. Both lawyers have experience in superannuation, investment and funds management.
He has advised a number of Australia's prominent fund managers and superannuation funds in relation to off-market acquisitions of interests in, and divestments from, collective investment and other private equity structures, and on the regulation, formation and restructure of managed funds and superannuation funds. Prior to his time at Allens Arthur Robinson, Garner was a partner at one of the largest law firms in South Africa.
Nathan, who was a partner and consultant at DLA Piper, has over 25 years experience in the area of funds management, with a focus on investment for superannuation and other large wholesale funds. His experience spans working for industry superannuation funds, government statutory funds and regulated corporate funds.