Insurance firm secures new talent
The Sydney office of a leading specialist insurance firm has recently added a partner and a special counsel.

Sean O’Connor (pictured) has joined the partnership of Wotton + Kearney from Lee & Lyons Lawyers, while Simon Black has joined the firm as a special counsel; he was most recently a senior associate at Clyde & Co.
His particular areas of expertise include public liability and professional indemnity, and he also has an extensive background in crisis loss, construction liability and financial lines claims, particularly fidelity/crime, employment practices liability and management liability.
Black specialises in insurance, commercial litigation and dispute resolution and has developed particular expertise in marine insurance and maritime law, as well as in relation to professional indemnity, directors & officers, construction, industrial special risks, public and product liability and film insurance policies.
Black was a senior associate at Wotton + Kearney from 2007 to 2011, before moving on to Landers & Rogers and then Clyde & Co.