Exclusive: KWM partner walks out on global firm (1)
McCullough Robertson has poached construction partner Adam Wallwork from King & Wood Mallesons.

Wallwork will join the Sydney office of the Queensland-headquartered firm later this month (21 August).
“There is a big opportunity here to expand on our existing construction service offering in NSW and I want to be part of it.
“Because we are an independent firm we have a very different value proposition. We can offer clients a premium service but deliver this in a no-fuss streamlined way.”
Wallwork specialises in all aspects of the negotiation, documentation and administration of major construction, PPP, infrastructure, civil engineering, resources, power, facilities management and maintenance projects.
McCullough Robertson managing partner Guy Humble (pictured) said Wallwork was a good fit for the firm’s Sydney office given his “desire to jump right in, become part of our construction team and get started”.
Earlier this year the firm lost corporate partners Tim Sayer and Oliver Talbot, who quit to launch their own Brisbane-based boutique called TalbotSayer.
In June, tax partner Matthew Burgess also left McCullough Robertson to launch specialist law firm ViewLegal, taking two senior associates from the firm, Patrick Ellwood and Tara Luck, with him.
In August McCullough Robertson suffered another loss when Newcastle-based partner Brendan Tobin left to work for the Nexus Law Group.
However, the firm has made a number of lateral appointments recently, including corporate partner Adrian Smith from DLA Piper and property law partner Justin Madden from Henry Davis York, who was joined at his new firm by HDY senior associates Fiona Mudie, Emma Smythies and Simone Nokes.