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2 new Supreme Court judges, 2 new County Court judges named in Victoria

Victorian Attorney-General Jaclyn Symes has appointed an associate judge and silk to the state’s Supreme Court and also a barrister and Crown prosecutor to its County Court.

user iconJerome Doraisamy 19 June 2023 The Bar
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Associate Justice Patricia Matthews and Peter Gray KC have been appointed to the Supreme Court of Victoria. The appointments were effective 14 June.

Matthews AJ joined the Supreme Court as an associate judge in December 2020, having served as a judicial registrar of the court since 2017, prior to which she was a solicitor, working across commercial court and common law matters and has worked as a senior fellow at the University of Melbourne Law School.

Mr Gray has been at the Victorian Bar since 1996 and made silk in 2011. He was senior counsel representing the state in the Royal Commission into the Casino Operator and Licence and has acted as a senior counsel assisting for the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety and the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide.


Elsewhere, A-G Symes named Diana Manova and Robyn Harper to the bench of the Victorian County Court.

The appointments were also effective as of 14 June.

Ms Manova has practised at the Victorian Bar since 2001, predominantly in common law, insurance and personal injury law, and has regularly appeared as a prosecutor in criminal trials in the higher courts and has also prosecuted for the Independent Broad-based Anti-Corruption Commission, the A-G’s Department noted.

Ms Harper has been a Crown prosecutor for the Office of Public Prosecutions since 2018 and has practised at the Victorian Bar since 2009, and has appeared for both the prosecution and defence in the magistrates, county and supreme courts.

Speaking about the appointments, A-G Symes (pictured) said: “I congratulate Associate Justice Matthews, Peter Gray KC, Diana Manova and Robyn Harper on their appointments — with their extensive experience and expertise, they will make an excellent contribution to the bench.

“I look forward to seeing the strong and positive contribution the new appointees will make to the supreme and county courts.”