Australian lawyer named as LOD’s new country manager for UAE
The importance of ‘open and honest relationships’ in-house
The transforming landscape of in-house legal work
How tech is shaking up how private practice and corporate counsel work together
‘Better-enabled lawyers’ will drive in-house teams forward in age of tech
Climate reporting reforms legislation released
The big challenges for in-house lawyers in 2024
The promise and perils facing us in 2024
CLOC names Netflix legal ops chief as new president
Legal teams have ‘essential role’ in achieving ESG targets
Senior lawyer named executive GM at Australian Unity
Strategies to make in-house careers more sustainable
Tips to declutter bloated email inboxes
Top 10 in-house episodes in 2023
What I wish I’d known as a first-year or second-year law student
IAG GC to depart role immediately for alleged behavioural matters
Top 10 in-house stories for 2023
PwC security questioned as its head of risk fooled by fake email
Reducing email volume between in-house teams and law firms
Westpac GC to join PwC Australia
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