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The Corporate Counsel Show: Transitioning from a corporate role to an NFP

As a corporate lawyer, the idea of moving into a not-for-profit (NFP) role initially didn’t appear logical to Elisabeth Flett. However, since making the decision to transition and settling into such work, she has discovered that working as a lawyer in the NFP space has provided her with an elevated sense of personal and vocational purpose.

user iconJessa Sargento 24 April 2024 Podcast
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In this episode of The Corporate Counsel Show, host Jerome Doraisamy speaks with Cancer Council NSW general counsel and company secretary Elisabeth Flett about the day-to-day work she does with her organisation, being at the coalface of such important work for Australian communities, how and why she came to transition from a corporate role to work in the NFP space, and the questions one has to ask of one’s self in making such vocational decisions.

Flett also delves into overcoming self-limiting thought processes about what a legal career can or should look like, looking for NFP opportunities rather than waiting for them to present themselves, and why making this career transition has been so rewarding and purpose-driven for her.


Plus, in case you missed them, check out these recent episodes of The Corporate Counsel Show: