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The Corporate Counsel Show: The benefits of a shorter working week

Maddi Thimont works 25 hours per week as head of legal for a data insights and analytics company. Constructing the working week in such a way allows her not only to be more present for her family but also for her workplace.

user iconRobyn Tongol 09 May 2024 Podcast
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In this episode of The Corporate Counsel Show, host Jerome Doraisamy speaks with Sagacity head of legal Maddi Thimont, who is based in the United Kingdom, about how she came to work for Sagacity on a reduced schedule, why such a working week is suitable for her (personally and professionally), and the balance it can offer to in-house lawyers.

Thimont also fleshes out how and why she’s a better professional for working less than a full-time load, her elevated capacity to compartmentalise across the board, whether one has to sacrifice salary in order to have a shorter week and what the workload looks like, how in-house lawyers can go about securing such working arrangements for themselves, and why law departments will benefit in offering such arrangements do prospective and existing staff.


Plus, in case you missed them, check out these recent episodes of The Corporate Counsel Show: