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Top 10 SME firm episodes in 2023

After surpassing 2 million downloads worldwide, the Lawyers Weekly Podcast Network has had a massive year. Here, we count down the most downloaded episodes from our SME stream, The Boutique Lawyer Show, over the last 12 months.

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When Lawyers Weekly launched its inaugural podcast in late 2017, the brand was securing 4,000 downloads per month. Now, at the end of 2023, there are more than half a dozen different shows under the broader Lawyers Weekly network, with an average of four episodes per week across different streams and demographics, an average of over 53,000 downloads worldwide per month this year, and listeners on every continent.

And while nearly 80 per cent of downloads have come from across Australia in the last six years, the podcast boasts listeners from major global legal markets, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Singapore, China, and Hong Kong – to name a few.

It’s also been a massive year for boutique and SME firms and sole practitioners – with the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and other emerging tech, as well as post-pandemic working practices coming to the fore. As a result, more and more of these professionals have looked to The Boutique Lawyer Show for guidance on a wide range of subject areas.


Here are the 10 most downloaded boutique podcast episodes for 2023, in descending order:

10. The Boutique Lawyer Show: Mediation is now its own profession

9. The Boutique Lawyer Show: What’s your firm’s vision, and why?

8. The Boutique Lawyer Show: Grow and sell your firm for a handsome price

7. The Boutique Lawyer Show: Best cyber practices for small firms

6. The Boutique Lawyer Show: How and when to expand your firm’s directorship

5. The Boutique Lawyer Show: Niching down to serve certain clients

4. The Boutique Lawyer Show: Are ‘niche micro’ firms the best pathway to vocational purpose?

3. The Boutique Lawyer Show: How to acquire another firm

2. The Boutique Lawyer Show: Identifying innovative modes of practice

1. The Boutique Lawyer Show: Getting passionate about contracts