Latest auslaw

The Bar 26 June 2024 ByJerome Doraisamy72 reappointed to AAT

The federal government has reappointed two non-judicial deputy presidents, 14 senior members, and 56 members to the...

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Politics 25 June 2024 ByMartin MallonThis Pride, with the help of my firm, I am no longer hiding

The journey towards full equality and acceptance of the LGBTIAQ+ community is far from over, and I want to use my...

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Big Law 17 June 2024 ByJerome DoraisamyFormer US president Donald Trump is a coin-flip away from returning to...

Former US president Donald Trump is a coin-flip away from returning to the White House. If Trump – a convicted felon...

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Politics 17 June 2024 ByIan Aldridge and Gianluca PecoraNew Digital ID Bill raises serious privacy concerns for Australians

It is incumbent on lawyers to raise alarm bells when they see the legislature passing laws that impact the legal rights...

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Politics 14 June 2024 ByJerome Doraisamy and Miranda BrownleeUse of LPP must be reviewed, argues Greens

In addition to calling for PwC to be restricted from tendering for government work for five years, the Australian Greens...

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Politics 12 June 2024 ByMichael TiyceHow the cost-of-living crisis is keeping victims of financial abuse...

Australia’s cost-of-living crisis has reached critical levels, placing growing pressure on individuals and families of...

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Corporate Counsel 28 May 2024 ByNick WilsonMake digital ESG reporting mandatory, say PwC and Deloitte partners

Climate-related financial disclosures are driving the majority of ESG practitioners to speed up their digital...

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Politics 17 May 2024 ByNicholas CollierOn the acquisition of customary title in PNG

Torres Strait Islanders live under two customary law systems – Papua New Guinea and Australia. They have more rights...

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Corporate Counsel 14 May 2024 ByAnnie Haggar and Denny WanStriking the right balance when disclosing cyber events

Goldilocks and the cyber risk disclosure porridge: an old children’s tale offers a useful lesson for disclosure of...

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Politics 14 May 2024 ByJerome DoraisamyTax cuts may mean lower salary increases for lawyers in FY24–25

The revised stage-three tax cuts, together with other market factors, may well provide justification for employers not...

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