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Colin Biggers & Paisley gives staff day off for wellness

National law firm Colin Biggers & Paisley is offering all staff a Wellbeing Day to “refresh and re-energise”, which will coincide with looming long weekends, thereby giving staff a four-day weekend.

user iconJerome Doraisamy 24 September 2021 Big Law
Nick Crennan
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Colin Biggers & Paisley is offering a Wellbeing Day for its Melbourne-based staff on Monday, 27 September and, for its Sydney and Brisbane-based staff, one for Friday, 1 October.

These dates, the firm said, coincide with public holiday long weekends in each city, enabling everyone to enjoy a four-day weekend.

The news follows fellow national firm Hall & Wilcox’s announcement earlier this week that it too will offer staff a day off for wellness’ sake, which will occur nationwide on Friday 1 October 2021. Global law firm Herbert Smith Freehills has also announced it is trialling a public holiday swap initiative


In a statement, managing partner Nick Crennan said that both he and the partnership of Colin Biggers & Paisley are “conscious of fatigue and appreciative of the challenges to daily life that COVID-19 restrictions bring”.

“Our people have endured various forms of lockdown and restrictions for 18 months. There are challenges associated with the different scenarios people are in, whether they are a parent or carer juggling the role of teacher while working, a young professional working from home with parents or flatmates, or have carer responsibilities,” he proclaimed.

Mr Crennan paid tribute to the “exemplary efforts and dedication” of staff during the age of coronavirus.

“Our people have worked incredibly hard to support our clients throughout this period. The partnership and I recognise and thank them for their dedication, hard work and unwavering support for their clients, their colleagues, and their community,” he said.

Colin Biggers & Paisley is in a strong position at this point of the pandemic, he continued, after initial uncertainty in early 2020.

“We are delivering better outcomes for our clients which has been recognised by strong growth and client feedback. Our people’s performance and outperformance has greatly contributed to our success,” he said.

“It’s important that we all look after ourselves and take an opportunity to rest and regenerate for an energetic path towards year-end.”