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The profession’s important updates from the last fortnight

In this fortnightly update, Protégé wraps up the biggest headlines for law students, graduates and new lawyers. This time, we have more on Christian Porter’s political career, the divisive Religious Discrimination Bill and news from the Law Council.

user iconNaomi Neilson 13 December 2021 Big Law
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1: Christian Porter announces resignation

In perhaps the biggest update of the last fortnight, former attorney-general Christian Porter has officially announced that the rumours are true: he is leaving politics. Although he said his resignation was to give him more time with his young family, we trace back everything that went wrong for him this year – starting with that ABC article about a senior minister accused of rape long before he entered politics.

2: Religious Discrimination Bill could bring legal profession into disrepute


We have already heard plenty about where the Religious Discrimination Bill goes wrong for disadvantaged groups, including LGBTQIA+ people, women, and people of a different or no faith, but it could also have a big impact on lawyers too. Under one provision, lawyers could be in a position to bring the profession into disrepute without disciplinary consequences, the Australian Lawyers Alliance tells us.

3: Nathan Buckley to return to court over disciplinary action

The solicitor behind those controversial Facebook posts that allegedly incited residents of Victoria (aka, his supporters) to break the COVID-19 management laws will return to the Civil and Administrative Tribunal next year to learn if an application for review of documents relating to disciplinary action was successful. Ultimately, he hopes to overturn his unsatisfactory professional conduct finding.

4: ACT Law Society ‘disappointed’ with state government’s failure to consult

Much like Victoria’s pandemic bill, the ACT government has introduced legislation that would give the chief health officer and minister for health the power to issue public health directions. However, unlike Victoria, this was done without consultation with the legal profession, much to the ACT Law Society’s disappointment.

5: Victorian pandemic legislation officially becomes law

Relatedly, Victoria’s controversial pandemic bill officially became law this fortnight, complete with a few extra amendments and a prediction that Premier Dan Andrews will declare a pandemic when the state of emergency powers expires this week.

6: McDonald’s hit with class action

Hundreds of thousands of McDonald’s staff have brought a class action against the fast-food giant for failing to provide adequate paid rest breaks in what is being called a “systemic failure”. The vulnerable and often school-aged workers have claimed that they were not given enough paid rest breaks for shifts up to nine hours long.

7: LCA proposes plan to help ‘missing middle’ access legal services

Working alongside the courts to reduce costs, providing more funding for legal aid and improving education for legal professionals are all part of the Law Council of Australia’s proposal to increase access to justice for those in the “missing middle”.

8: Why young guns are ditching private practice for in-house legal roles

Another incredible article from our contributor Stefanie Costi who explores why law firms are facing a choice of either catering to the needs of emerging leaders in law or facing a “dearth of talent” as they pursue opportunities within in-house roles.

9: The legal profession should be ‘leading the way’ on diversity

As Australian screens and media get more diverse, the legal industry should be leading the way when it comes to diversity, inclusion and equality, according to the inaugural CEO of Media Diversity Australia. Former lawyer Mariam Veiszadeh tells us why it must start with lawyers and the legal profession leading the way.

10: A managing partner’s secrets for success in law

Cornwalls managing partner Paul McCann, who used to head up the Sydney office for Corrs Chambers Westgarth, shares that he knows what it takes not only to thrive in law but to be happy as well. He shares all of this and more in a new episode of The Lawyers Weekly Show.