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Firm mergers in the midst of a global pandemic

Well before the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, Australia’s legal sector had a significant oversupply of lawyers relative to the work available. This has only been exacerbated by the current crisis, and according to Sam Coupland, it’s affecting the appetite for law firm mergers.

user iconTasha Levy 22 May 2020 Podcast
Sam Coupland
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The director of FMRC joins host Jerome Doraisamy on this week’s episode of The Lawyers Weekly Show to break down how a law firm consolidation works, why a firm might be looking to acquire or be acquired, and what kinds of firms are most suited to a merger.

Sam explains how the pandemic has been impacting the appetite for consolidation in the legal space, steps that firms can take towards engaging in an acquisition, and how he predicts the legal marketplace will look in a post-coronavirus world.


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Plus, in case you missed them, check out our most recent episodes:

How COVID-19 has been impacting lawyers across Australia
• Business development in the age of COVID-19
• NSW A-G Mark Speakman on pandemic-inspired changes to law