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The Corporate Counsel Show: Cyber attacks the ‘number one consideration’ for law departments

If you aren’t trusted by the market because you’ve had a cyber attack, you might as well not be in business. As such, Annie Haggar says, corporate counsel must upskill in cyber security as an urgent priority.

user iconRobyn Tongol 10 March 2021 Podcast
Annie Haggar
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On this episode of The Corporate Counsel Show, host Jerome Doraisamy is joined by Accenture Security legal lead (global managed security and growth markets) Annie Haggar to discuss how GCs and CLOs are currently lagging in their efforts to ensure their businesses and organisations are effectively protected, the prominent danger of supply chain attacks and meeting regulatory obligations around cyber security.

The pair also talk about the need for breach response planning, proactively briefing executives about risks and incident response planning, attaching legal professional privilege in cyber-security measures, hiring outside counsel breach coaches, and other needed practical steps.



Plus, in case you missed them, check out these recent episodes of The Corporate Counsel Show: