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The Corporate Counsel Show: ‘I’m a deal junkie – that’s where I thrive’

As the amount of money coming into Australian venture capital grows, so too will the demands for return on investment. For legal counsel in VC, there are opportunities abound right now.

user iconRobyn Tongol 15 September 2021 Podcast
The Corporate Counsel Show: ‘I’m a deal junkie – that’s where I thrive’
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On this episode of The Corporate Counsel Show, host Jerome Doraisamy is joined by AirTree general counsel Nick Brown to discuss his career in VC and M&A, how the investment market in Australia is on the rise, and the nuts and bolts of supporting one’s business in the myriad deals that eventuate.

The pair also discuss designing the blueprint for a VC law department when one is the first in-house lawyer, how integral financial expertise is for lawyers operating in this space, and how exciting it is to help develop the next generation of great Australian companies.



Plus, in case you missed them, check out these recent episodes of The Corporate Counsel Show: