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The Corporate Counsel Show: Is cyber security a major election issue?

This episode of The Corporate Counsel Show, brought to you by Lawyers Weekly’s sister brand, Cyber Security Connect, unpacks the latest in cyber security policy and how cyber is shaping up to become an election issue.

user iconRobyn Tongol 09 May 2022 Podcast
The Corporate Counsel Show: Is cyber security a major election issue?
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Host Phillip Tarrant speaks with Major General (Ret’d) Marcus Thompson about the impact of the recent Solomon Islands-China agreement on Australia’s security. The pair also provide an assessment of the Morrison government’s actions and discuss the opposition’s policies around cyber security, including Project REDSPICE.

This episode also sees an analysis into whether such cyber policies are achievable in their stated timeframe, casting doubt on whether there is a sufficient flow of cyber security graduates to fill a largescale expansion in the cyber security industry. Elsewhere, the pair chat about the latest cyber security news, including recent data showing a fourfold increase in phishing attacks and how his team seeks to continuously improve their cyber security protocols.



Plus, in case you missed them, check out these recent episodes of The Corporate Counsel Show: