In-house lawyers at the core of business
Telstra commits to improving in-house wellbeing
Bringing the law in-house
Engagement pays for in-house lawyers
In-house rules law careers
Swaab snares senior in-house lawyer
Keeping things in-house
Leading in-house figures to discuss what goes outside
Exclusive: Bonus time for in-house lawyers
True value of in-house remains a mystery
Palmer praises in-house lawyers
Nominations open for in-house awards
In-house litigation has benefits
Australia's top in-house lawyers recognised
In-house teams grow to battle cost and regulation
2011 Lawyers Weekly Awards: Laing O'Rourke named In-House Team of the Year
2010 Icon Awards: Blue ribbon for Cadbury in-house team
2009 IN REVIEW Key trends: The rise and rise of in-house
In-house department in email stoush
Addisons claims former in-house lawyer
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