Latest relationships

Big Law 02 May 2024 ByGrace RobbieHow boutique owners can develop international relationships

Award-winning migration lawyer Marial Lewis reflects on why new firm owners need to prioritise fostering international...

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Big Law 22 April 2024 ByGrace RobbieWhy lawyers need international relationships

Building international relationships is advantageous for lawyers as it increases their visibility, allows them to...

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Big Law 03 August 2023 ByLauren CroftThe impact of evolving relationships on family law

Following a new report on emerging trends within Australian relationships, one family lawyer has predicted that those in...

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SME Law 08 June 2023 ByLauren CroftBuilding relationships is a skill that Norton Law Group partner...

Building relationships is a skill that Norton Law Group partner Gabriella Pomare has found especially relevant when...

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SME Law 01 June 2023 ByLauren CroftThe importance of building relationships as a boutique leader

Being a leader within a boutique law firm comes with managing employee expectations and building relationships within...

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Podcast 30 May 2023 ByJerome DoraisamyThe Boutique Lawyer Show: Investing in relationships

Given how much the legal landscape is modernising, relationships are more essential than ever before. As Gabriella...

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Big Law 08 March 2023 ByJess FeyderPro bono about relationships, not just hours

Many metrics measure the worth of a firm’s pro bono work in terms of the number of hours contributed. One senior...

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Big Law 04 October 2022 ByMark McCowan and Ian ReynoldsFostering relationships with regulators

It is common for businesses to perceive, and treat, regulators as hostile adversaries — and they often are, write Mark...

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SME Law 16 May 2022 ByJerome DoraisamyHigh Court decision ‘pays tribute to relationships in the modern...

The “significant” decision of the High Court of Australia in Fairbairn v Radecki forces family lawyers to reassess...

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SME Law 12 May 2022 ByLauren Croft‘We build deep trusted relationships with our staff, but also...

When establishing a new firm, finding partners and employees with complementary skill sets is an important aspect of the...

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